Tasbit Saman Tahkim consulting engineers (TEST)

In 2012, a group of distinguished graduates, in cooperation with Vandidad Company, established Tasbit Saman Tahkim Consulting Engineers (TEST) to meet the group's need to perform specialized tests related to new products and conduct concrete and soil mechanics tests for building design and construction.

This company which has a professional qualification license from the Ministry of Road and Urban Development with its up-to-date equipped laboratory, conducts preliminary studies and determines the parameters required in the design of concrete structures, researches the development of technology of concrete production, and carries out tests and presents detailed reports in the following fields:


Soil Mechanics and Geology:

  • Drilling operation along with casing and carrying out borehole investigations and soil sampling with the proper method.
  • Manual drilling operations along with borehole investigations and soil sampling.
  • Identifying, checking and sampling, and conducting soil mechanics site testing.
  • Static and dynamic plate loading tests.
  • Geological studies and preparation of relevant reports and preparation of seismicity reports.
  • Analysis and preparation of geotechnical reports (comprehensive and applied reports).


Concrete and Materials Testing:

  • Sampling aggregates and other materials used in concrete, conducting relevant tests, and providing concrete workshop formulation.
  • Sampling fresh concrete on site, Slump test, and the quality controls of concrete during concreting.
  • Maintaining concrete in standard conditions, performing compressive and Flexural strength tests, and preparing technical reports.
  • Conducting non-destructive tests of concrete with a Schmidt hammer and ultrasonic device.
  • Preparing concrete Core test samples, capping, and determination of their compressive strength.
